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🔴 Four Corners - Binocular Gross Saccades








Binocular Gross Saccades


1. Have your partner read you the following instructions: “Keep your head stable throughout the exercise. Your eyes should not move before hearing the commands. You must see all 3 corners of the room or other objects in your side vision while looking at a specific corner.”, Look at the upper left corner. Now keep your eyes on that corner and use your side vision to locate the upper right corner. Wait for the word “GO" before moving your eyes to the next corner. Don’t move your eyes until you hear the “GO” command.”
2. Have your partner say “GO” and watch your eyes for any inaccurate eye movements. Have your partner continue directing you to look at the lower right and lower left corners in the same manner.
3. Make sure you can see the other corners or objects in your side vision while looking at a specific corner. , Have your partner repeat the following instructions: “You are now looking at the upper left corner. I want you to move your eyes to the upper right corner but don’t stop there. Keep moving your eyes until you get to the bottom left corner.”
4. Repeat your partner’s instructions out loud before starting the exercise.
5. Have your partner read you the following instructions: “Look at the upper right corner. When I say ‘go’ I want you to look at the lower left corner and then return your eyes to the upper right corner.”
6. Repeat the instructions before performing the exercise.
7. Repeat the exercise with other directions.


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